Frequently asked questions.

Where are you located?

We are located at 4634 S. St. Peters Parkway- in the Kisker Crossing Complex.

What are your hours of operations?

We are open Monday-Saturday by appointment only.

How do I schedule an appointment?

An appointment can be scheduled on MindBody and creating a profile, or calling or texting 314-230-8056.

Will I be charged when I schedule my appointment?

A credit/debit card is required to book your appointment; however you will not be charged until after your appointment. A charge will also be incurred in the event of a late cancellation.

What is your cancellation policy?

24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Failure to cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance or failure to show up for your appointment will result in a charge of $45-$55 which will be processed on the credit card retained on file to reserve appointment.

How can I prepare for a massage?

In preparation for your appointment we recommended drinking plenty of water in the 24 hours leading up to your massage. We also recommend showering and applying lotion as close to your appointment as possible.

How early should I arrive?

Please arrive 15 minutes early for your first appointment to allow time to fill out paperwork. If you’ve been in before, please arrive 5-10 minutes early.

What is included in the massage session time?

Each session consists of massage, time for you to dress and undress and time to communicate with the therapist about medical history, concerns, and questions.

What does my massage therapist need to know about me?

Prior to your first appointment you will fill out intake paperwork that will help your therapist get to know you. It is important to tell your therapist about any medications, new/old injuries, sensitivities, allergies, etc. The more information your therapist has, the better able they are to help you.

Will the massage hurt?

In general, massages should not hurt. In fact, if you are in pain during a massage, this may cause your muscles to seize up, making the relaxing effects more difficult to achieve. If the pressure is too intense, speak up immediately so your therapist can adjust.  Certain techniques may result in soreness during the days following a massage, similar to that of a great workout, but in general, you should not have pain during or after your massage.

Do you talk during a massage?

Some people enjoy having a conversation during their massage but keep in mind, the treatment is all about you releasing your tensions and enjoying the experience.  Regardless of your choice, be sure to speak up during the massage if there is anything you’d like adjusted (temperature, pressure, music, etc).

Can I bring children into the studio?

We strive to provide a calming and healing environment; we ask as a courtesy to staff and other patrons that children remain at home.

When should I avoid getting a massage?

In general, there are a few conditions that would prevent you from getting a massage. Do not schedule an appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, or a skin condition that is contagious. The first trimester of pregnancy is off-limits for massage, as are active chemotherapy or other intensive medical treatments. If you have a serious medical condition and you are unsure if a massage would be safe for you, massage therapists will recommend that you speak with your primary care provider to get approval first.

Can I receive a massage if I am pregnant?

Massage is a great option during pregnancy. You MUST be in the second trimester of pregnancy before receiving a massage.

Must I be completely undressed?

Your comfort is our top priority, please undress to your comfort level. You will undress and dress in the privacy of your massage room and will be securely covered by a blanket and a sheet during your massage session.

How much should I tip?

Our massage therapists are passionate about what they do, your tip reflects appreciation for the hard work and care they provide. Our recommend tipping percentages (15%, 20%, 25%) are based on full price of service rather than discounted rates.

What should I expect after my massage?

After your massage it is important to drink plenty of water. You may experience mild soreness, or muscle fatigue. In the event of soreness or fatigue taking a warm bath and doing some light stretching is advised.